The Ultimate Guide to Plums During Pregnancy

The Ultimate Guide to Plums During Pregnancy

The period of pregnancy is undoubtedly one of the most beautiful seasons in a person’s life. Bringing a new life into the world is a beautiful experience, but it comes with its roller coaster of emotions. There are a lot of physical and emotional changes in the body during pregnancy, which can lead to periods of unease at times, understandably so. 

Suddenly, the issue of what to eat and what not to eat begins to be a significant topic (which is why we exist!). Although it can create a set of new worries, know that we are all doing the best we can with the information we have.

As we all know, eating a balanced diet is essential in all life stages. It’s even more critical to support the mom-to-be and her baby during pregnancy. Good nutrition is important during pregnancy, and the need for several nutrients increases for a pregnant woman. Eating a diverse and balanced diet is vital to ensure mother and baby get the necessary nutrients!

However, with so much conflicting information, separating fact from fiction can feel daunting. Thankfully, The Prenatal Nutrition Library is there to make this less burdensome and provide valuable insights to help you feel confident about meeting nutrient needs during preconception and pregnancy!

With that in mind, today, I will clarify the topic of eating plums during pregnancy. Plums are common cravings for many pregnant women, and many would love to know if indulging in them is safe for both the mother and the growing baby. Likewise, many would also like to know the possible health benefits of including plums in their prenatal diet.

Read on for everything you need to know about plums during pregnancy! 

are plums safe for pregnancy?

The Ultimate Guide to Plums During Pregnancy

Plums are a crisp stone fruit with a unique and distinctive sweet taste. Its deep purple skin increases its appeal even more, which perfectly complements the juicy flesh. Plums offer a delightful balance of sweetness and tartness, reminiscent of a juicy, sun-ripened fruit. Their flavor profile is often described as rich and complex, with subtle floral notes coupled with hints of honeyed sweetness. This combination keeps the taste buds bursting with each satisfying bite. 

It’s no surprise that plums are a common craving during pregnancy. Cravings are a common symptom during pregnancy. Plum’s unique flavor composition makes it perfect for soothing taste bud fluctuations. This and its nutritional benefits make it a great fruit choice for pregnancy. The seasonality depends on the region, but it typically spans from May through September, with peak ripeness in June, July, and August. However, many enjoy dried plums year-round. 

7 benefits of plums during pregnancy

Are Plums Safe During Pregnancy? 

The answer is YES!

Plums are safe to enjoy during pregnancy. Like all foods and fruits, they should be enjoyed in moderation along with a well-balanced diet. Not only are plums safe to eat, they are also beneficial to include into your prenatal diet as they pose no risk to the well-being of the mother and child and instead, offer plenty of benefits. 

Plums are a good source of vitamins, minerals, and fiber necessary for a healthy pregnancy. Dietary fiber helps to promote good digestion, prevent or combat constipation, support good blood sugar control, and more. Pregnant women are advised to consume at least 30 grams of dietary fiber daily, and eating plums helps you get closer to that mark.

Check out my list of high-fiber foods for pregnancy to learn about the best sources of dietary fiber during pregnancy!

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Plums are also rich in antioxidants and boast a special blend of beneficial vitamins such as vitamins A, C, K, potassium, copper, and manganese. Nutrients like potassium help regulate blood pressure levels. This is even more important for those with preeclampsia.

Consuming large amounts of plums or any fruit during pregnancy may lead to digestive discomfort like gas or bloating due to their fiber content. Additionally, individuals with gestational diabetes should be mindful of their fruit intake, including plums, due to their natural sugar content.

7 benefits of plums during pregnancy

Benefits of Plums During Pregnancy

Support Immune Health

Eating to support a healthy immune system is always important, especially when pregnant since hormonal changes can increase your vulnerability to infections. Prioritizing gut health is one way to support our immune system. Plums, particularly dried plums, are a good source of fiber to help support gut health. Although they are not as rich in vitamin C as citrus fruits, plums contain some vitamin C, which is also a valuable nutrient for immune function.

Helps Manage Constipation 

Dietary fiber is essential for preventing and combating constipation–a common issue during pregnancy. Plums, in particular dried plums or prunes, are a good source of dietary fiber and help move foods smoothly through the gastrointestinal tract. The insoluble fiber helps add bulk to stool, while the soluble fiber helps soften it. Both types of fiber present in the fruit help to support digestive health during pregnancy. 

Boosts Non-Heme Iron Intake

Plums provide a small boost of non-heme iron and vitamin C– which helps boost iron absorption and maintain healthy iron levels. Iron plays a crucial role in red blood cell production. Plums are not the best source of iron, but they help boost your overall intake slightly. 

While iron plays an integral role during pregnancy, the human body cannot produce its own iron. Pregnant women must obtain all the iron they and their developing baby need through diet and supplementation when needed. Proper iron levels help produce new red blood cells, carrying oxygen to tissues, including the developing baby. Consuming enough iron is essential during pregnancy, as iron deficiency and anemia can be problematic.

*Check out my list of iron-rich foods for pregnancy to learn the best source of food to help boost your iron levels. You can also check through my list of iron-rich recipes for pregnancy while you’re at it to ensure you have ideas to incorporate these iron-rich foods into your diet. 

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Reduces Fatigue and Support Energy

Plums provide a natural energy boost thanks to their blend of natural sugars, which the body quickly converts into fuel for energy. Additionally, the fiber content in plums helps support balanced blood sugar levels. Balanced blood sugar is important to prevent energy crashes and keep you feeling more alert throughout the day.

With their rich array of vitamins and minerals, including vitamin C and potassium, plums support overall vitality, helping to combat fatigue and keep you feeling refreshed and energized.


Plums, with their high water content, can help expecting mothers stay hydrated, particularly when nausea or morning sickness may make consuming large amounts of fluids difficult. The juicy flesh of plums provides a refreshing way to increase fluid intake, supporting the increased hydration needs during pregnancy.

*For more on hydration during pregnancy, click HERE

Skin and Hair Benefits

Pregnancy acne is not an uncommon complaint. Plums contain antioxidants like anthocyanins and phenolic compounds, which help protect cells from damage caused by free radicals. The antioxidants in plums are essential for overall health, including promoting glowing skin and strong, healthy hair.

Antioxidant Properties 

As mentioned above, plums contain antioxidants. Several studies have found that a diet rich in antioxidants supports overall health. Additionally, it’s been reported that antioxidant status has been found to be reduced in those with gestational diabetes. Consuming a diet rich in antioxidants may be one component of reducing the risk of gestational diabetes. However, it should be noted that plums are a source of carbohydrates and natural sugars, which will raise blood sugar levels, so it is best to consume them in moderation.

Dealing with GD? Check out my diet tips on gestational diabetes for more info on how to best manage this condition. 

The Ultimate Guide to Plums During Pregnancy

Consuming plums during pregnancy is both safe and nutritious for mom and baby. 

It’s obvious that plums are not only a sweet fruit to help curb cravings but are also nutritionally beneficial. Both fresh and dried plums can be enjoyed. Dried plums, known as prunes, still retain much nutritional value. Be mindful that dried plums are a more concentrated source of carbohydrates and sugar. Choose options without added sugar. Enjoy both in moderation during pregnancy!

Pregnant women can eat fresh plums and prunes in moderation as part of a balanced diet. I recommend pairing plums with protein and fats like nuts or cheese to support balanced blood sugar levels. This makes plums a very safe and nutritious fruit for expecting mothers!

Here at The Prenatal Nutritionist, we hope this article helped you learn why you can and should eat plums during pregnancy if you enjoy them.  For more information on foods and ways to promote good health for you and your baby and ensure nutrient needs are met, join The Prenatal Nutrition Library.

We have detailed guides on hundreds of different topics, foods, and so much more. The Prenatal Nutrition Library is a searchable database and app, so you will always have peace of mind that what you eat during pregnancy is safe and nutritious! Join the community today!

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